Tuesday, September 29, 2009

gallery 2 video

my new gallery of pictures soon to be posted!

Wednesday, May 6, 2009


"How To Take Care of Your Fish" has been updated! (05/06/2009)

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Evil Manipulator final project for intro. to 2d Animation

this is the unfinished video. its what i have so far. but i had to start over when i finally got the criticism i needed. i always look for harsh crutiqes from my boyfriend becuase he always gives me good ideas and points. so i re-did the whole storyboard for this and the whole video. so i worked it from scratch again and this is what i got.

much later i experimented with this video in Adobe Premiere and liked using a certain video change called Invert. but the program exported it out really bad. but it doesn't hurt to experiment with different looks.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Cut Out Animations!

This was the 1st one for my cout out animation project. it is called "Dark Dream". the second one is called "Tribal Dream". both videos are made in Adobe After Effects with images altered in Adobe Photoshop CS3. i don't like how these turned out since they feel unfinished. but they had to be short. both videos have been uploaded to quicktime player. i will also try and upload them onto my youtube account as well. bothe videos have no sound, so don't worry about that.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Fantasy Lost Gallery slide show!

so far a collection of current art works related to my story that i have been working on. just press play to watch! this video was made using Windows Movie Maker.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Head Turn Table Project

This was my project for a Head Turn Table. I did a skull becuase that was easy for me to do rather than a dragon head. although i'd love to do a dragon head more than anything else, i had to keep this as simple as i could.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Update! Fantasy Lost Storyboards!

my story (Fantasy Lost) that i have been working on is coming along on storyboards soon. so far i have some character designs already up on this blog. one such example is the Red Dragon character designs. I will also have a section spesifically set up for my story. as of now, there isn't much posts so they are scatted about.

as also a update, the title for my story is in a crisis of changeing. in fact the original title was Lost Fantasy. but as the story is developing the title will eventually change to fit the story.

currently. as of 03/20/2009, i am working on a gallery video for Fantasy Lost characters and the story boards. they will all be one video so far and will be made in a program i hate most... mircosoft movie maker... its all i have at home since i currently don't have enough memory on my computer to have adobe premere CS3 program.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Complex Ball Bounce

This is a complex ball bounce project that i had finished a while ago. this was to experiment with sqwash and stretch.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

How To Take Care Of Your Fish

this is a animatic for my storyboad on "How To Take Care Of Your Fish". this will be the final 2D animation project for my 2D animation course in animation.

on 05/06/2009 i had finally completed the audio version, but some files were missing, so this is what i have so far: (apparently there is something wrong with this and i will fix it soon! the video seems to be lagging)

Monday, March 9, 2009

Where Are My Tic Tacs?

this is the lip sinc project for school. i had to take an audio track and lip sinc to it with 2D animation.

this is the rough video.

this is the final video...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

This video i did as a project for animation prepoduction class. the task was to have a painting come to life by using audio and music(optional).

Character Designs for Red Dragon

This is a character for a story i have been working on as a side project for myself. So far this is the main villan with in the story. this was his original sketch of what i somewhat wanted him to be like.

Then i re-drew him again in a more finalised version. it still turned out to be a a almost perfect version of what i envisoned him to be in my head.

As a even more exstensive approach to this character i really wanted to understand what his wings would look like and how they would function. i even had to experiment with the eyes in order to get him to look more evil then friendly.

This is my latest character sketch so far. this is a head protrait to better understand what direction he will take.

i used him a animation short called "Evil Manipulator" so he even evolved again! just watch the video called "Evil Manipulator".

Colored Drawings Not Related To Projects

Starting Out

I am currently a student animator at Villa Maria College. It is a four year course that teaches both 2D animation and 3D animation. I currently have very few projects and drawings to display at the moment, but soon i hope for this spot to grow as i do through out my course of study. note that all images that are small on this site can be veiwed in bigger sizes on my photobucket site. you can find this under my location sites on the right hand corner of this blog.