Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Evil Manipulator final project for intro. to 2d Animation

this is the unfinished video. its what i have so far. but i had to start over when i finally got the criticism i needed. i always look for harsh crutiqes from my boyfriend becuase he always gives me good ideas and points. so i re-did the whole storyboard for this and the whole video. so i worked it from scratch again and this is what i got.

much later i experimented with this video in Adobe Premiere and liked using a certain video change called Invert. but the program exported it out really bad. but it doesn't hurt to experiment with different looks.

Tuesday, April 28, 2009

New Cut Out Animations!

This was the 1st one for my cout out animation project. it is called "Dark Dream". the second one is called "Tribal Dream". both videos are made in Adobe After Effects with images altered in Adobe Photoshop CS3. i don't like how these turned out since they feel unfinished. but they had to be short. both videos have been uploaded to quicktime player. i will also try and upload them onto my youtube account as well. bothe videos have no sound, so don't worry about that.